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The Label

The Future of Music Is Here

The music industry has gone through many changes in the past years, with the internet offering artists and music fans alike an easy way to purchase and listen to music. As an established Music Label in South Carolina, MWAP Productions LLC has been keeping up with the changes in the industry. Not only does this talented label work with the brightest musical talents around, but they also offer amazing opportunities to their recording artists. Read on to learn more about MWAP Productions LLC.

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Woman with Vinyl
Post: Welcome

A New Label in Music Entertainment

Sample Titles: Welcome to MrArc's Corner!

For all those that don't know me or have never visited my social mediums in the past up until now, I go by the name, MrArcadian or as the title of this blog MrArc's Corner. A lil short bio about whom is blogging with you, what this blog is about, and the purpose of it. I'm just a producer that's in love with the melody and everything else is circumstantial after that. I'm a singer/songwriter, mix engineer, artist, musician, photographer, videographer, brother, dad, son, CEO of this label, MWAPProductionsLLC, just to name a few of the hats I wear. I have a pretty extensive background in music and hopefully in the near future if you stay tuned into my movement you'll learn more about me in depth to tell other readers who I am and why you decide to follow me. The reason for this blog is to enlighten others about why MWAPProductionsLLC is just a introduction to this New Wave of Indie Labels that will trail blaze the music industry with the right intentions and standards to lead others on a similar path to a great and promising future. The music industry has evolved from major labels only being The Big 3 Elite, UMG, Sony, and WMG as I'll call them for the sake of this blog post and the umbrella trickles down to the smaller Indie labels that strive to possibly get a piece of the pie with the right blueprint. Well, MWAPProductionsLLC is on the right path to do that. So long to all the record deals, that still exist to this day, but there is more at stake if you should accept one without proper guidance and assistance from those that are willing to help you along this journey that may or may not charge you a substantial fee as they have encountered in their personal journey as well. The journey is no walk in the park even as a Indie Label or artist because what the labels of old did to groom artist must be done by the artist themselves, such as recording, promo, marketing, distribution, publishing.. just to name a few and the price can be astronomical if you don't have a team with you. Here's a true long story short about MrArc as an artist. He Plays 2 instruments and has a song placed in a movie already. He is a family type dude with a rough upbringing. I'm talking about living with grandparents and aunties instead of his biological parents and going to school while navigating life in the streets of country neighborhoods during the winter and city neighborhoods up north in the summers of the 80's-90's. His knowledge of street life and the hiphop era played a part in how he delivers his music to the world. The music industry is steadily changing to adapt to this next wave of digital media called AI so the Indie Labels as well as the Big 3 Elite must adapt as well. So why not follow a label that is well equipped to make the change? This is just an intro about MWAPProductionsLLC so I encourage you to stay tuned in for more enlightening blog post and what this label will bring to the forefront in this new era of music. Thanks for reading this blog post Young Kings and Queens

.....##Salute .

I think My Spidey Senses are tingling.....G+1=Gone!!!!!!!!.

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